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Indian Law Institute New Delhi

About Indian Law Institute New Delhi

Indian Law Institute (ILI) was founded in 1956 primarily with the objective of promoting and conducting legal research. The objectives of the Institute as laid down in its Memorandum of Association are to cultivate the science of law, to promote advanced studies and research in law so as to meet the social, economic and other needs of the Indian people, to promote systematization of law, to encourage and conduct investigations in legal and allied fields, to improve legal education, to impart instructions in law, and to publish studies, books, periodicals, etc.

The Institute is an autonomous body registered under the Societies Registration Act, 1860. The Indian Law Institute has the requisite independence and academic freedom to carry out its objectives. The membership of the Institute is now nearly three thousand representing the persons interested in the study and advancement of law.

Hon'ble Chief Justice of India is the ex-officio President of the Institute. The Union Minister of Law & Justice is its Ex-officio Vice-President. The Attorney General for India, some Judges of the Supreme Courts and High Courts, Solicitor General of India, Chairman, Law Commission and University Grant Commission and other prominent lawyers and law professors etc. are the members of the Governing Council.

The Institute's Library is one of the best libraries in the country. It has more than 75000 titles. It subscribes to 270 current legal periodicals. JILI is one of the leading law journal. ASIL contains surveys written by academicians and practitioners.

The Indian Law Institute has been granted Deemed University Status in 2004 vide Government of India, Ministry of Human Resource Development Notification No. F.9-9/2001-U.3 dated 29.10.2004.

Courses In Indian Law Institute New Delhi


Courses Stream/Subject
  PG Diploma

Corporate Law, Cyber Law, Intellectual Property Rights Law, Alternative Dispute Resolution

CertificateCyber Law, Intellectual Property
Ph.D Law

Contact Information

L.L.M, Ph.D, PG Diploma, Certificate
Opposite Supreme Court of India, Bhagwan Das Road, New Delhi.
Indian Law Institute New Delhi

About Indian Law Institute New Delhi

Indian Law Institute (ILI) was founded in 1956 primarily with the objective of promoting and conducting legal research. The objectives of the Institute as laid down in its Memorandum of Association are to cultivate the science of law, to promote advanced studies and research in law so as to meet the social, economic and other needs of the Indian people, to promote systematization of law, to encourage and conduct investigations in legal and allied fields, to improve legal education, to impart instructions in law, and to publish studies, books, periodicals, etc.

The Institute is an autonomous body registered under the Societies Registration Act, 1860. The Indian Law Institute has the requisite independence and academic freedom to carry out its objectives. The membership of the Institute is now nearly three thousand representing the persons interested in the study and advancement of law.

Hon'ble Chief Justice of India is the ex-officio President of the Institute. The Union Minister of Law & Justice is its Ex-officio Vice-President. The Attorney General for India, some Judges of the Supreme Courts and High Courts, Solicitor General of India, Chairman, Law Commission and University Grant Commission and other prominent lawyers and law professors etc. are the members of the Governing Council.

The Institute's Library is one of the best libraries in the country. It has more than 75000 titles. It subscribes to 270 current legal periodicals. JILI is one of the leading law journal. ASIL contains surveys written by academicians and practitioners.

The Indian Law Institute has been granted Deemed University Status in 2004 vide Government of India, Ministry of Human Resource Development Notification No. F.9-9/2001-U.3 dated 29.10.2004.

Courses In Indian Law Institute New Delhi


Courses Stream/Subject
  PG Diploma

Corporate Law, Cyber Law, Intellectual Property Rights Law, Alternative Dispute Resolution

CertificateCyber Law, Intellectual Property
Ph.D Law

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