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Contact Information

School Type
Co - Educational
St. Joseph's Convent Sr. Sec. School Tariyal chowk, Kotdwar, Uttarakhand - 246149 India

About St. Joseph's Convent School Kotdwar

St. Joseph's Convent School, Kotdwar, founded in the year 1973 considers the school as powerful agent of change. It fosters universal and eternal values, and is fully active to bring about a just society.

St.Joseph's Convent school is recognized by the State Government and affiliated to the Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations (I.C.S.E) Delhi. The institution is upgraded to the ISC level in the academic year 2003-04. It is an un-aided Minority Christian School.
Being a Christian Missionary Institution, St.Joseph's Convent School provides not only to the intellectual and physical development of children but also the formation of character by inculcating sound, moral and spiritual values, so that they grow up as children of God and responsible citizens of our country.

Since education is crucial to integral development of a person, the Catholic Diocese of Bijnor establishes and administers educational institutions. St. Joseph's Convent School, opened in 1973, is owned and managed by the Catholic Diocese of Bijnor, a religious, charitable, educational and social organization (Society) registered udner the Societies Registration Act. This society undertakes programmes and projects and establishes institutions for the development of the WHOLE PERSON and for the promotion of justice and equality.

Admission Process In St. Joseph's Convent School Kotdwar

St.Joseph's Convent School being a Christian Minority Institution, aims primarily at the education of the Catholic Community and the preservation of Catholic religious practices. Preference in admission to the School will be given to Catholic children. Admission will, however, be open to children of other communities without distinction of caste or creed, but on merit.

* The principal reserves the right to refuse admission to any candidate without furnishing reasons.
* Candidates for admission should be introduced by their parents or proper guardians who shall remain responsible for their fees, regular attendance and good conduct.
*Those seeking admission to St.Joseph's Convent School, Kotdwar will have to apepar for the entrance test and interview. They must come with:
* A school leaving certificate if they come from a recognised school. The Transfer Certificate of a student who had his/ her Schooling outside Distt. Pauri-Garhwal must get his/ her T.C. counter - signed by the education officer of the district in which the previous school is situated.
* A certified copy of the marks obtained in the last examination.

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