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Gayatrikunj-Shantikunj, Haridwar-249411.

About Dev Sanskriti Vishwavidyalaya Haridwar Uttarakhand

Integration of Science and Spirituality – One of the main goals of the university is to establish harmony between the two schools of thought – science and spirituality. This leads to holistic development of life because science enhances logical thinking while spirituality fills life with empathy and emotions. With these objectives in mind, the founding father, Vedamurti Taponishta Pandit Shriram Sharma Acharya laid the foundation stone for Brahmavarchas Research Institute near Shantikunj on the auspicious day of Gayatri Jayanti on 3rd June, 1979. Electro- physiology chamber, Neurology chamber, Cardiology chamber, Biochemistry chamber, Hematology chamber etc. have been established in the Brahmavarchas Research Institute. Under the guidance of honourable chancellor Dr. Pranav Pandya, a special department for scientific spirituality was opened in which research studies on various topics of cosmology and geography were taken up and many of them continue to be on the path of progress. The entire university campus has a well laid optical fiber network and is connected by Wi-Fi. On one side, there are classes on Bhagawad Gita and meditation that create a spiritual atmosphere, while on the other side, there are classes on Computer Technology, Animation and Environmental science that radiate scientific atmosphere in the university campus. In addition to all these, the mammoth machinery for astrological science and vedic school being developed at Aryabhat bhavan are beautiful examples of harmonizing science and spirituality.

Special classes by the Chancellor – Dev Sanskriti Vishwavidyalaya Haridwar Uttarakhand is a unique university where chancellor takes Sessions on Geeta (Shri Mad BhagavatGeeta ) and Meditation (Dhyan) for not only Personality but Holistic development of the students. It is the only university where your chancellor appreciates your actions and also takes full interest in all types of Student related Activities. Dev Sanskriti Vishwavidyalaya is one of those few institutes where the Chancellor himself takes classes on a regular basis and justifies his title as the Paramacharya – the Supreme teacher. The honorable chancellor conducts a session on Bhagawad Gita and meditation every week and it is attended by all students of the university with great zeal. Only organized and controlled thinking can prevent the mind from wandering away. Meditation sessions help to maintain the psychological well-being of the students and awaken the latent talent within them. The honorable chancellor has developed many types of meditation methods designed for specific purposes. Some of important ones are – Meditation on the rising sun for building self-confidence, uprooting the negative tendencies, meditating on the sun at the navel center and meditation on AUM for realizing the absolute Truth.

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